Qatar Tourist Visa

The Qatar Tourist Visa allows visitors to enter Qatar for tourism, usually for a maximum of 30 days, with the option to stay an extra 30 days. Citizens of more than 80 countries can apply for a visa upon arrival at the Doha Global Airport; others can do so online via the Qatar Visa Administration portal or the Service of Inside. The required documents include a valid ID, tickets for the return journey, a statement of comfort, and the cost of the visa. Usually, processing takes 2-4 workdays for a Qatar Tourist visa.

कतर पर्यटक वीज़ा

कतर पर्यटक वीज़ा आगंतुकों को पर्यटन के लिए कतर में प्रवेश करने की अनुमति देता है, आमतौर पर अधिकतम 30 दिनों के लिए, अतिरिक्त 30 दिनों तक रहने के विकल्प के साथ। 80 से अधिक देशों के नागरिक दोहा वैश्विक हवाई अड्डे पर आगमन पर वीज़ा के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं; अन्य लोग कतर वीज़ा प्रशासन पोर्टल या इनसाइड की सेवा के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन ऐसा कर सकते हैं। आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ों में एक वैध आईडी, वापसी यात्रा के लिए टिकट, आराम का विवरण और वीज़ा की लागत शामिल है। आमतौर पर, कतर पर्यटक वीज़ा के लिए प्रसंस्करण में 2-4 कार्यदिवस लगते हैं।

Qatar transit visa

What is Tourist Visa?

A tourist visa is an official permit that allows people to visit another country for leisure, sightseeing, meeting friends or family, short courses, or medical treatment. It does not allow work or business activities. To get a tourist visa, you need a valid passport, a return ticket, enough funds for your stay, and to meet the country’s entry requirements. It’s a hassle-free way to explore new places and cultures legally.



More than 80 state citizens—including those in the USA, UK, EU, and other countries—are eligible for Visa on Arrival.

Others need to use Qatar’s e-visa portal to apply for a visa online.

Passport validity:

You should have a current passport that lasts about six months after the date of arrival.

Return Ticket:

A confirmed return or future flight ticket should be displayed.


Confirmation of a resort booking or housing in Qatar is needed for a Qatar tourist visa.

Sufficient Money:

It can be necessary for tourists to provide evidence of having enough money for their stay in Qatar.

Residents of the GCC:

Residents of nations in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) may apply for worked-on traveler visas if they fulfill certain requirements.

Documents Required For Qatar Transit Visa:

Valid Passport:

A significant passport that is currently valid for around six months.

Apply online using all of the paperwork provided by the MADLSA (Madursad Authority on Events, Work, and Parties) in Qatar.

Passport Sized Photo:

Current images that are fit to the guidelines.

Employment Contact:

A legally binding contract and letter of employment offer from the employer in Qatar.

Documentation and Qualification: 

A degree and certificate are necessary for the job at hand.

The Health certificate is the medical examination report involving disease testing.

Police Clearance:

 In some instances, you need to provide, a police clearance certificate to the government of Qatar.

Process of Applications:

Visa on Arrival:

 Available at the Qatar Worldwide Air airport upon arrival for eligible cultural groups.

Online (e-visa):

 The Qatar Visa Administration gateway or the Service of Inside site is where you can apply for the visa.

The validity of the Visa:

 A tourist visa is usually valid for 30 days, though it may be renewed for an additional 30 days (depending on the identity and type of visa).

Some visas belong under an additional category and are dependent on the agreement between the guest’s home country and Qatar.

वीज़ा की वैधता:

एक पर्यटक वीज़ा आम तौर पर 30 दिनों के लिए वैध होता है, हालाँकि इसे अतिरिक्त 30 दिनों के लिए नवीनीकृत किया जा सकता है (पहचान और वीज़ा के प्रकार के आधार पर)।

कुछ वीज़ा एक अतिरिक्त श्रेणी के अंतर्गत आते हैं और अतिथि के गृह देश और कतर के बीच समझौते पर निर्भर होते हैं।

Cost of Qatar tourist Visa:

The cost of a Qatar tourist visa depends on the applicant’s age and the type of visa:

Tourist e-visa

  • The fee for a tourist e-visa depends on the length of the visa and the time of year:
  • July–March: 30-day visa with double entry for $25
  • April–June: 30-day visa with double entry for $10
  • Medium duration: 365-day visa with multiple entries for $40
  • Long duration: 5-year visa with multiple entries for $80
  • 30-day tourist visa

The cost of a 30-day tourist visa depends on the applicant’s age:

  • Ages 1–55: INR 9,399
  • Ages 55 and above INR 14,399

The visa is non-refundable, so applicants should be certain of their travel plans before submitting payment.
Qatar also offers visa-free access to nationals of some countries:

  • Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens: Can enter and exit member countries freely, and can live there indefinitely

Other nationalities: Can stay in Qatar for 90 or 30 days, depending on their nationality

102 countries: Can enter Qatar visa-free extension of Stay:

 If an extension request is submitted before the expiration of the visa, travelers with vacation visas can often extend their stay by 30 days.

If an Indian national achieves the following requirements, they may be eligible for a Visa on Arrival:

  • The validity period of the essential visa should be approximately six months.
  • A confirmed passport for a return to India or the objective ahead.
  • Verification of a confirmed hotel booking in Qatar.
  • Confirming that there were sufficient assets (credit/charge cards) during the visit. Must possess an important visa or residency grant from one of the following countries:
  •  the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Schengen countries, or Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
  • The Visa on Appearance can be extended for an additional 30 days and is granted for free for a maximum stay of 30 days.

Process of checking Qatar Tourist Visa:

If you want to check your Qatar Tourist visa status please follow these steps 


Search for ( to check your visa status.


Enter your 15-digit visa and 12-digit denoting proof number.


Enter your personal information in the blank search bar.


Select your nationality from where you belong.


Push on the submit button. The system will show you the aftereffects of your ongoing visa status.

कतर पर्यटक वीज़ा की जाँच करने की प्रक्रिया:

यदि आप अपने कतर पर्यटक वीज़ा की स्थिति की जांच करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया इन चरणों का पालन करें

स्टेप 1:

अपनी वीज़ा स्थिति जांचने के लिए ( खोजें।

चरण दो:

अपना 15-अंकीय वीज़ा और 12-अंकीय प्रमाण संख्या दर्ज करें।


रिक्त खोज बार में अपनी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी दर्ज करें।

चरण 4:

आप जहां से हैं वहां से अपनी राष्ट्रीयता चुनें।

चरण 4:

सबमिट बटन दबाएं. सिस्टम आपको आपके जारी वीज़ा स्थिति के दुष्परिणाम दिखाएगा।


The Qatar Traveler Visa offers flexible options for citizens of more than 80 countries to apply online or obtain a Visa on Arrival, making it an accessible and beneficial means for visitors to explore Qatar. Indian nationals and other eligible travelers can participate in a hassle-free process if they fulfill requirements such as valid identification, return tickets, comfort proof, and sufficient resources. With an underlying 30-day stay and the chance of reaching out for an extra 30 days, Qatar offers a friendly greeting to vacationers trying to discover its rich culture and current attractions.


कतर ट्रैवलर वीज़ा 80 से अधिक देशों के नागरिकों को ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने या आगमन पर वीज़ा प्राप्त करने के लिए लचीले विकल्प प्रदान करता है, जिससे यह आगंतुकों के लिए कतर का पता लगाने के लिए एक सुलभ और लाभकारी साधन बन जाता है। भारतीय नागरिक और अन्य पात्र यात्री परेशानी मुक्त प्रक्रिया में भाग ले सकते हैं यदि वे वैध पहचान, वापसी टिकट, आराम प्रमाण और पर्याप्त संसाधनों जैसी आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करते हैं। अंतर्निहित 30-दिन के प्रवास और अतिरिक्त 30 दिनों के लिए पहुंचने के अवसर के साथ, कतर अपनी समृद्ध संस्कृति और वर्तमान आकर्षणों की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहे पर्यटकों को मैत्रीपूर्ण अभिवादन प्रदान करता है।


What is the difference between a Qatar visit and a tourist visa?

A Qatar visit visa is when you want to prepare to stay with your family or friend living in Qatar instead of in a hotel.

Qatar tourist visa, a visit visa is a type in itself as the intent is not only related to tourism.

Can I work on a tourist visa in Qatar?

You are not allowed to work in Qatar with a tourist Visa.

Is Qatar a 3-month tourist visa for us?

 Both Tourist and Business e-visas are valid for 3 months for you.

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